Bright moon.. the wind blew right on my face.. it was one of those days where you could stay out because of the breeze. My mind was on him.. he had asked me to meet him at his place. 

The distance to his place wasnt long but the shadows of the trees as I walked startled me.. with each step I took I looked back just to check if no one was following me. Reaching the end of the corner of his place, there he was.. standing. My breathing started increasing.. I was in love with him..

He stood there in his dark Jean's and a tight shirt that showed his arms. His hands in his pockets staring at me with each step I took.. shyly I looked down as I got closer to him..

Nice weather right? I asked with rather a sweet tune which I didnt expect would come out.. Yeah , and you made it thanks. I grinned we stepped inside the room. Take a sit anywhere you'd like he said. 

I sat at the end of the bed next to the mirror.  I had memories in his room , of so many times we had made love.. we had sat down and spoke about so many things.. memories of after a hectic night out partying. but they all led to us making love.

Today was different.. I wasnt here to feed my cravings. I was here to let go of him. I needed to be strong. I needed to be myself again because lately I have been feeling rather depressed. I was in love with someone who always chose me second.

I was in love with someone who didnt care about my feelings. After so many times I've told him I loved him.. he still went on to make someone a priority. The most awful part was that he never told me he doesn't love me. To this day I still dont know how he feels about me.

Why cant he just tell me how he feels? I still wonder to this day.


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