Walking down the street with my head down. He called me out from his car , with a face that looked like he wouldn't hurt a fly. I looked up with anticipation. He smiled and said " You want a lift"? I mumbled "No thanks" come on where you going? He asked' Nowhere you're going I shouted 

Can i park here and walk with you to where you're going then he asked. Convinced he was crazy i laughed hysterically. Whatever you want I shouted. He turned off the ignition and stepped out of the car. I stood there shocked , what was he doing. 

Are you seriously gonna walk with me? I asked in a concerned tune this time. I like you and I wanna get to know you and if you wont get in my car il walk with you he said. 

He asked me everything about myself and my numbers. I couldn't go without giving him after what just happened. He was a nice guy, he was more than nice. I realized how handsome he was his voice so clear and well spoken.. his eyes dazzling with mystery. The way he smelled so fresh and manly. 

I will call you when I get home he said looking at me one lastime as he turned back to go to his car. A few moments he was driving slow in my direction he stopped the ignition and asked.. can I get a hug? I hesitated for a moment knowing he would feel my heart beat and my palms wet. I shouted no. Come on i wont bite he shouted with a grin on his face. Did he know i liked him? What was he trying to do. I wondered. 

Okay you may I mumbled. I almost fainted. His smell , his hands now on my waist, his breath close to my face.. I wanted to kiss him.. wait I just met him I can never do that what would he think of me? His body felt strong his chest so broad.. he moved his face to mine.. his lips touched mine. The world stopped no sounds no images of the moving cars on the street.. 

He was using his tongue uncontrollably so this time. We moved to the car to balance my body.. his hand under my shirt now. It felt so wrong.. but I didnt want him to stop. Get a room a voice from one of the cars shouted. He stepped away embarrassed and so was I because it seemed as if we were hypnotized in a way that we forgot we right on the road.

I like you and I want you to be part of my life he said holding my hands... I smiled frantically. I was woken up by the sound of my alarm.. I was dreaming!


  1. Sounds like this happened In real life...
    Thanks for the good read keep it going.

    1. I wouldn't wanna spoil the fun for stating whether what I write is from my own experience or not..

      Thank you for reading

  2. But it doesn't end there... Having awaken frustrated, you caress your erect nipple through the silky sheets enveloping your body... Please continue :)

    1. It depends on how the character is , is she open to share what she experienced through the dream once she was awake?

  3. Did you really have to wake up though?


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